Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 07.00pm
Famaa ConsultancyFamaa ConsultancyFamaa Consultancy
(Mon - Saturday)



You can learn more from our asked questions

For any inquiries relating to our courses, Feel free to speak to us personally by calling us during business hours.

Students join our online courses for a variety of reasons and come from diverse backgrounds, professions, and age groups. With online courses, you can

  • Advance your skill-set or begin a career change.
  • Take the next step in your formal education.
  • Ease the transition before entering a full-time academic program.
  • Enjoy learning a new topic.
    Whatever the reason, our online courses are a flexible way of learning about the art world without disrupting your daily life.

Our classes are kept small, at no more than 30 students, to better facilitate and encourage personalized interaction with the instructor and fellow participants. Your classmates come from all over the globe and contribute their global perspectives and experience. Some are currently working within the arts while others are just beginning. All classmates share in their passion for the art world.

You should have an up-to-date web browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.
Our Online Courses can be accessed on a mobile or tablet device, although we strongly encourage you to have access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection for certain course components. Former students have told us it is easiest to read discussion threads and complete written assignments on a laptop or desktop computer.

If you are new to online learning, we recommend that you begin with one course. As our courses are offered frequently throughout the year, you can always come back and continue your studies with one or more topics.

Please inform your instructor. Make every effort to continue working on the course while you’re away. It is important that you contact your instructor as soon as possible to determine what, if any, arrangements can be made for your situation.

Get your certificate: When you successfully complete an Online Course, you are eligible to receive a digital certificate of completion. We encourage you to review your instructor’s syllabus to understand the Certificate of Completion requirements for your course. These requirements often include the following:

  • Active participation in the majority of discussion boards
  • Timely submission of all assignments

Most courses have 1-2 short written assignments, but they can vary and it is important for you to follow -up with your instructor early in the course should you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility or the requirements.  Certificates of Completion are delivered to the email used at the time of registration and can be expected no later than 3 weeks after the course ends. These digitally verified credentials allow you to present a trustworthy record of your learning to anyone at any time.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

Provide your contact information and we’ll send you more information about our courses. Feel free to speak to us personally by calling us during business hours.

Head office address:

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Call for help:

CANADA: +1 4169908385 - WhatsApp
INDIA: +91 9014 4865 58 - WhatsApp

Mail for information:

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)